Hurriyet Newspaper: "A Record From Teknopanel"


The General Manager Kahveci said, ‘We have continuously provided service to our industry by taking utmost measures as of the first day of the pandemic. We have started the new year by breaking a historical record with our national and international sales.’

Orhan Kahveci, General Manager of Teknopanel, continued as follows: ‘We have prioritized the health and working conditions of human resource from the first day of pandemic. As part of COVID-19 pandemic, we have switched to working from home system through planning our work arrangement in a way to minimize the number of personnel at the workplace. We also took and implemented the advices and measurements determined by the Ministry of Health and Local Health Authorities for our production lines. We managed to meet the needs of our customers rapidly and uninterruptedly even the flow of production and supply chain slowed down in this global crisis. Teknopanel provided 80 percent of the sandwich panels used in the construction of field hospitals, which were very important for our country.’


General Manager Kahveci: ‘With a significant increase in the new investments in Turkey as of June thanks to the opportunities provided by the Credit Guarantee Fund (CGF), all of our factories started to operate round the clock. With our increasing production amount in the second half of 2020, we achieved the highest sales figure in the history of our company by realizing the sale of 8 million 700 thousand m2 sandwich panel and 1 million m3 EPS products annually. We also broke a record in exports and increased our 2020 export figure to 25 million 235 thousand dollars.’


General Manager Kahveci continued as follows: ‘We succeeded in staying strong with the support we received from our government and as the industry sector, we continued our production and other activities uninterruptedly in 2020. Besides, many sectors, especially the foods and beverages, closed the last year under negative conditions. I hope the pandemic crisis will come to an end in the upcoming period and we will continue to live in a healthy, prosperous and safe life as a whole. On this wise, I invite everyone to follow mask, distance and hygiene rules.


Kahveci said: ‘We beam with pride to start 2021 as the supplier of major projects after reaching our targets in 2020. Even in these days when the construction products sector has encountered a slowdown, our facilities continue to operate and provide service without a break. Compared to the previous year, both EPS and sandwich panel production increased by 50 percent in the first 2 months of the year, which was above our expectations. I believe that our production lines will work at the same pace unless an unforeseen serious situation occurs around the world in the upcoming period. Our export activities continue with increasing momentum every year. We increased our export figure to 25 million 235 thousand dollars in 2020 while we exported 18 million dollars in 2019. We set our 2021 export target as 30 million dollars.’

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